Tools for a calm, gentle, beautiful birth.
Benefits of HypnoBirthing®
HypnoBirthing® mums benefit from
Fewer cases of pre-eclampsia/ dehydration.
Fewer interventions and surgical births.
Decreased use of oxytocics or AROM.
Shorter first and second-phase labor.
Fewer pre-term and low-weight babies.
Lessened or eliminated need for analgesia.
Happier and content mothers and babies.
Alert babies who are able to nurse almost immediately.
Infants with higher than average APGAR scores.
Evidence-based, firmly rooted in science and accredited by the Royal College of Midwives.
77% of HypnoBirthing® parents who birthed vaginally did so without epidural anaesthesia
45% of HypnoBirths® happened in eight hours or less
17% of HypnoBirthing® parents birthed via caesarean-section, compared with the US national average of 33%
9.5% of HypnoBirthing® parents chose to birth in the comfort of their homes (the US national average was less than 1%)
6% of HypnoBirthing® parents chose to birth in freestanding birth centres (the US national average was less than 1%)
*Data provided by the HypnoBirthing Institute, between 2005-2010
HypnoBirthing® is a complete antenatal programme
The Mongan Method of Hypnobirthing® is the original and still the best and is fully accredited by the Royal College of Midwives.
HypnoBirthing® is recognized worldwide as a leading program in childbirth education & preparation.
Celebrating over 30 years of proven education
Over 2000 educators worldwide
Implemented into many hospitals as their antenatal education program.
Protecting, promoting, and supporting natural birth, but most importantly a positive birth in any method of birth
HypnoBirthing® is a comprehensive program with key strategies to reduce the use of unnecessary medical interventions.
A comprehensive program consisting of 5 x 2.5 hour classes. A format that has proven to condition the mothers mind and body in preparation for birth.
Gives you the tools to effectively work with hospitals and birth professionals in how to better support you as a Hypnobirthing® couple.
A program for the entire family, teaching and empowering birth partners to properly support during birth and advocate for mum and baby.
The Mongan method of HypnoBirthing® is the original.
Created over 30 years ago by Marie Mongan, to equip mothers and birth partners with the knowledge to make confident and informed decisions; to empower you through pregnancy, birth and beyond. It’s a philosophy of preparing both your mind and your body for a soft and serene birth experience.
You and your birthing partner will learn the importance of the mind-body connection and how fear can affect your body and your baby. You will be introduced to the practice of deep relaxation and equipped with tools to use during labour, birth, and as new parents.
No matter how you imagine your birth experience HypnoBirthing® is for you.
Whether you are hoping for a totally natural, drug-free birth, or you’d just like some amazing skills and techniques to help you cope with the early stages of labour before pain-relief medication becomes available, HypnoBirthing® is for you.
The HypnoBirthing® Course
Private Course
£345 per couple
Online or in-person. 5 x 2.5-hour HypnoBirthing classes, including all relaxation mp3s, course pack and the book ‘HypnoBirthing’ by Marie Mongan.
HypnoBirthing, the Marie Mongan method is the original hypnobirthing program, developed over 30 years ago. You can learn a bit more about its history and background here.
HypnoBirthing courses are taught in 5 x 2.5-hour sessions. That works out to 1 session a week for 5 weeks.
If you are closer to your birthing time, we can adapt the program to cover it more quickly than 5 weeks. The ideal time to begin is between 20-34 weeks of pregnancy, however, it isn’t ever too early or too late to start preparing your mind and body for birthing.
Refresher Course
£150 per couple
For those who have completed the HypnoBirthing course previously but would like a refresher.
2 x 2.5-hour HypnoBirthing classes online or in-person, including all relaxation mp3s and course packs.
What we will cover
Class 1
Setting the stage, dehypnotising and building a positive expectancy
Philosophy and beginnings of HypnoBirthing
Herstory of women and childbirth
How the Uterus works in birthing
What’s wrong with labour
How fear affects labour
The origin of fear and pain in labour
The power of the mind
The laws of the mind and they can affect change in our lives
Mind/body connection
Psycho-physical association
Intro to breathing and relaxation
Building positive images of birth
Class 2
Falling in love with your baby, pre-birth parenting, preparing your mind and body
Pre-Birth, perinatal and postnatal bonding
Background of Fetology
Selecting care providers
Preparing the mind for birth
Special breathing techniques
Hypnosis deepening and visualisation
Releasing fear
Preparing the body for birthing
Light touch massage
Building a partnership with appropriate care providers
Class 3
Advanced visualisation and deepening
Labour and birthing visualisations and deepenings
Breech-presentation babies
Looking at the ‘Estimated Due Date’
Avoiding artificial induction
Preparing Birth Preference sheets
How the body prepares for the birth
Initiating labour naturally
Your body’s perfect design
Releasing fears and limiting thoughts
Class 4
Overview and summary of childbirth
Prelabour tricksters
The onset of labour
Birth partner’s support role and techniques
Labour comforts
Thinning and opening phase
Labour slows or rests
Misconceptions about labour
Birth companion advocates for mother and baby
Hallmarks as labour advances
Birth Breathing techniques
Visualising your dream birth
Class 5
The final act and bonding
Mother nears completion
Optimal positioning for baby in labour and birth
Positions for mother during labour, descent and birthing
Birthing phase, descent, birth breathing
Birth’s perfect design
The golden hour
Bonding with your new baby
The fourth trimester
I don’t know what’s best for you and your family, but you do.
As a HypnoBirthing® educator, I don’t have an agenda other than making sure you are prepared to have a calm and confident birth. I will not tell you how I think you should birth your baby.
No matter what your birth preferences are, whether you want to birth in a hospital, at home, in a pool, in a car, singing show tunes, or on the top of a mountain. Additionally, it makes absolutely no difference to me whether you have an epidural, a belly birth, or a free birth on the beach.
What matters to me is that you feel informed and confident and that you and your birth partner can create a safe environment for you and your baby.
I want your birth partner to be empowered and involved too so that you are both able to feel connected with your baby both before and after your baby is born. You are the people making the best decisions for you and your baby and I want you to trust in yourselves.
No matter what, you have my support every step of the way.
Will HypnoBirthing® make me cluck like a chicken?
If clucking like a chicken makes your birth experience fun, I certainly won’t stop you! But HypnoBirthing® won’t be the cause of it.
Hypnosis isn’t how it’s usually portrayed on screen. Often when we think of hypnosis we think of stage hypnosis, something that’s used for entertainment.
I can promise you that in HypnoBirthing® there are no pocket watches swinging, finger-clicking or chickens clucking.
Perhaps, not as amusing, but far more useful, we teach self-hypnosis to achieve a deep state of relaxation, but with a heightened state of mental awareness. You always remain in total control but will be deeply relaxed, free of physical and emotional tension.
Will it help me have a perfect birth?
There is no such thing as a perfect birth, and although I wish could, neither I nor the HypnoBirthing® program can guarantee that you will have one.
Every birth is different because every mum and every baby are different.
While there is so much we can do to prepare for birth, every birth is unique. Sometimes things are straightforward and sometimes they are not.
With a HypnoBirthing® education, you will be prepared, relaxed, and confident, no matter what happens on your birth journey.
You will have the knowledge to make informed decisions and learn how to work with your birthing partner as a team to create a truly positive birth experience, where both partners feel in control and empowered.