Menopause & Perimenopause

A second Spring.


Manage menopausal symptoms, naturally.

Get the tools to manage the symptoms of menopause including anxiety, hot flushes, night sweats and poor sleep with HypnoMenopause®, a 6-week evidence-based program to manage the symptoms of menopause, naturally.

Digital self-hypnosis is a great way to address the symptoms of menopause along with the benefits of hypnosis without having a clinician present. Self-hypnosis MP3s can be accessed anywhere at any time, providing fast relief.

Girl holding a mug

Perimenopausal or right in the middle of Menopause?

Are you overwhelmed by the emotional and physical effects that you’ve been experiencing?

Have your children, partner or friends noticed a change in your behaviour?

You aren’t alone. I’m a Specialist HypnoMenopause® Practitioner and can guide you through a 1:1 program where we can reframe the Menopausal transition.

Manage Perimenopause & Menopause symptoms

Rediscover your sense of self and sexuality

Manage life transitions

Reinvigorate relationships

Women Sleeping

Natural menopause can take place over many years and start as early as your 30s (uncommon) and last until your 50s/60s, so symptoms can be felt as long as 12 to 15 years. Additionally, surgical menopause for medical reasons can occur at any age.

Working together in 6 sessions we will use techniques that focus on the reduction of hot flushes, sleep disturbances, mood swings and more:

  • Hot flushes
  • Night sweats
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Weight gain
  • Mood fluctuations
  • Tearfulness
  • Low confidence
  • Relationship issues
  • Inability to perform tasks
  • Anger
  • Low mood
  • Brain fog
  • Fatigue
  • Panic attacks
Women standing in a frame

Menopause Reframed

Manage menopausal symptoms, naturally.

Get the tools to manage the symptoms of menopause including anxiety, hot flushes, night sweats and poor sleep with HypnoMenopause®, a 6-week evidence-based program to manage the symptoms of menopause, naturally.

Women Painting

A New Vision of Midlife

The changes we go through are normal and natural, but they can also be challenging and disruptive. I want to empower you to live better with the natural tools that can provide you access to relief, and to also create a new perspective.

I am dedicated to supporting women throughout the menopause journey.

The HypnoMenopause® program provides tools and support you need to naturally help you through your menopause journey with real-life, practical solutions for managing symptoms, helping you to become the person you always wanted to be. Remember, you are not alone. Whatever your symptoms, HypnoMenopause® can help.

Pottery women

Take Control

A 6-week evidence-based, clinically proven, non-hormonal technique for managing symptoms during menopause. HypnoMenopause® combines hypnosis, mindfulness and CBT to help you manage your experience in a completely natural way. In clinical trials, hypnotherapy has been shown to alleviate hot flushes by up to an incredible 74%, in addition to helping mood, sleep and sexual function.

In addition to one-on-one sessions (in person or online), you will get access to a digital library of hypnosis audios 24/7. Using evidence-based digital therapeutic tools with cooling mental imagery, relaxation techniques, and hypnotherapy you can manage your symptoms naturally.

HypnoMenopause® Audio


Learn more about menopause and the mind-body connection.

Understand your Symptoms

By nurturing the mind-body connection you will gain a deeper understanding of your body throughout the transition.

Sleep Hypnosis Sessions

You will have access to bonus sleep hypnosis sessions, designed for busy minds, so you can doze off – and sleep soundly.

Women meditating

The HypnoMenopause® Approach

If you’re reading this page, it’s likely that you’re at some stage in the menopausal transition (or think you might be). Did you know that the lead-up to menopause, known as perimenopause, can last many years? Menopause itself is defined as the time when you haven’t had a period for twelve months or more, after which time you’re in the post-menopausal stage.

Whatever stage of menopause you’re experiencing, you might be finding this time of life difficult for several reasons and wondering how the HypnoMenopause® Approach can help.

For some women, this transitional phase is characterised by hot flushes and night sweats, fatigue, aches and pains, sleep problems and a range of other symptoms which make it hard to function. It’s also a time when women may be struggling with life pressures and a shifting sense of their own identity.

HypnoMenopause® was featured in Psychologies Magazine. Following the programme, journalist Clem Felix wrote, “I feel energetic and am looking forward to the future with real excitement for the first time in years. For now, at least, I feel a long way from needing HRT”. HypnoMenopause® creator, Dr Claire Jack, writes regularly about the menopausal transition for the online magazine, Psychology Today as one of their in-house experts.

Women using her phone

What is the First Step?

If you’re experiencing perimenopausal symptoms, I am very happy to offer you a free phone consultation, during which we can discuss what you’re looking for from the HypnoMenopause® approach and how I can best help you. You can ask me any questions you might have and decide if this is the right approach for you on your menopausal journey.

In the meantime, please check out the Q&A section below which answers some of the most asked questions about HypnoMenopause®.

Girl relaxed during Hypnotherapy in chair

What happens during a session?

The first step in our work together is a free consultation, by phone, during which I will answer any questions and establish whether HypnoMenopause® is the right approach for you. Following that, you will usually have up to six sessions, during which you will work on different aspects of your experience. During a session, I will talk you into a relaxed, focused state and use a combination of guided meditations and powerful therapeutic tools including NLP, mindfulness and CBT to help you create your desired changes.

The Sessions

Over six sessions I will give you practical tools to help ease mood changes, disturbed sleep patterns and hot flushes, with guided hypnotherapy, self-hypnosis, basic diet, sleep, and exercise tips.

Session 1 – Review of symptoms and learn what we can do to help.

Session 2–5 – Stress reduction, CBT hypnosis, mindfulness, reframing, and solution-focused approach working towards your preferred future.

Session 6 – Putting it all together. Review, self-hypnosis and future goals.

HypnoMenopause® Fees

Individual Sessions: £80 (pay as you go, 1 hour sessions)

HypnoMenopause Programme 6 x 1 hour sessions: £420 (purchased in advanced as a package £70 per session)

Women doing yoga


HypnoMenopause® is based on real-world research with real outcomes.

In a recent study, women who completed a hypnotherapy program for hot flushes experienced up to a 74% reduction in the frequency and severity of hot flushes after five weeks. The HypnoMenopause® program is based on this research.

Is the HypnoMenopause® programme right for me?

Women using her phone

What if I can’t be hypnotised?

We know from research that some people are more hypnotisable than others. If you’ve ever been really engrossed in a good book or spent some time getting lost in a daydream, you have the capacity to reach a state of mind which is just right for you. We also know that the clients who experience the greatest transformations are those who are motivated – regardless of whether or not they’re highly hypnotisable. In addition to that, HypnoMenopause® draws on a range of different approaches, including mindfulness, CBT and NLP and people tend to find that they respond well to this integrated therapeutic approach.

I’m on HRT. Is that a problem?

If you’re on HRT and wish to continue taking it, it’s perfectly ok to use hypnotherapy alongside your medication as a complementary approach.

Can this be used as an alternative to HRT?

Everyone’s experience is unique and whilst some women stay on HRT during their HypnoMenopause® Programme, others seek it out as an alternative therapy. In clinical trials, hypnotherapy has been shown to have an effectiveness rate of up to 74% in the treatment of hot flushes – a similar success rate to HRT. It also helps with mood, sleep and sexual function so, for some women, it provides an effective alternative to medication.

Women in peaceful contemplation

What happens during a session?

The first step in our work together is a free consultation, by phone, during which I will answer any questions you have and establish whether HypnoMenopause® is the right approach for you. Following that, you will usually have up to six sessions, during which you will work on different aspects of your experience. During a session, I will talk you into a relaxed, focused state and use a combination of guided meditations and powerful therapeutic tools including NLP, mindfulness and CBT to help you create your desired changes.

How can hypnotherapy help me with hot flushes/ insomnia/ brain fog?

We often think of the brain and body as being separate, when, in fact, they’re completely connected. Everything we think impacts us at a physical level (take a moment to think of something which causes you fear, and notice how your body reacts). Hypnotherapy can help us connect with our body at a deep level and, in addition to changing the messages we offer ourselves, visualisation is linked to physical changes at the cellular level. Whatever physical menopausal symptoms you have, increasing your mind-body awareness has the capacity to help.

Is it guaranteed to help me?

As with any type of therapy, hypnotherapy isn’t guaranteed to help. However, if you are genuinely motivated to create change and are open to exploring hypnotherapy, like many clients it is likely you will see an improvement in your symptoms.

Women on sofa

Does it matter what stage of menopause I’m at?

HypnoMenopause® is designed to work with women, no matter whether they’re perimenopausal or postmenopausal. Menopausal symptoms can persist for several years and this programme can help you, whatever your experience.

I don’t have hot flushes. I’m just a bit down…

Some women seek out HypnoMenopause® because of physical symptoms, some women seek out hypnotherapy because of mood disorders and some women seek it out simply because they’re feeling stressed, fatigued and overwhelmed. HypnoMenopause® is designed to help with everything from coping with mid-life career stress to empty-nest syndrome to hot flushes.

How many sessions do I need?

During your initial consultation, we can discuss your needs, including how many sessions you might require. Generally, it is recommended that you have five sessions and complete the full HypnoMenopause® Programme. This allows me to adopt a holistic and integrated approach with you. Unlike a doctor, I’m not just here to treat your symptoms. I’m here to help you pursue the fulfilled life which you deserve. As part of your programme, you’ll receive two recordings and will be taught self-hypnosis so that you can carry the work forwards for the rest of your life.