Unwind & calm your mind
Download your Free Mini Hypnosis audio for Improved Mood & Ultimate Relaxation
How does Digital Hypnosis work?
Using guided relaxation to help you transition to a deeply relaxed state, we can create a place of peace and tranquillity, bringing the mind and body back into balance.
Just enter your email address to download and save my free digital hypnosis audio. It’s yours to keep and you can listen for as long as you like.
Once you’ve downloaded the hypnosis, please read these instructions before listening. You can download full hypnosis audios in my shop for specific goals, or get in touch for any questions or to arrange private sessions.
I’ve created a mini hypnosis download so you can feel the benefits of hypnosis for improved mood and ultimate relaxation without commitment to a hypnotherapy program or the purchase of a full-length hypnosis audio.
This free digital hypnosis download is a condensed version of my premium audio sessions so you can discover the power of relaxation and see the benefits instantly.
What are the benefits of a mini hypnosis?
You can manage your stress. In as little as 10 minutes a day can you can calm your mind.
Relax & Recharge
Reset your Mindset
Melt away tension & stress
Calm an overactive mind