Sleep Issues

Fall asleep & stay asleep.

A ruffled mind makes a restless pillow.

– Charlotte Bronte

  • Feel refreshed and energized

  • Fall asleep and stay asleep

  • Stop feeling constantly tired and exhausted

  • Look forward to falling asleep at night

  • Have more energy during the day

  • Focus better

Sweet Dreams

Sleep is a basic human need, just like food or oxygen and when we aren’t getting enough, we may start to notice that we have difficulty making decisions, feeling sharp, and become less than a pleasure to be around. Lack of sleep can make it difficult to function around other people; we feel cranky, irritable, and impatient.

When we are deprived of sleep on a regular basis, we face an increased risk of overweight, metabolic issues, and even Type 2 Diabetes. If that weren’t enough there are also mental health issues like anxiety and depression, as well as cardiovascular problems and an increased risk of mortality.

Fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up feeling rested and refreshed. It’s time to say goodnight to sleepless nights and 3 AM anxiety spirals. Hypnosis can enable you to re-program and relax. Positive suggestions will ease away stress and replace it with calm and feelings of inner peace.

How hypnotherapy for improved sleep works